Well, winter is almost upon us, the days are much shorter and the nights cooler. The big climate driver, El Nino, has been largely responsible for the relentless westerly winds over the better part of a year, but is now officially over. So hopefully, we may now see more conventional weather and more boating opportunities (with a wooly hat on!).
— Glynne, Marina Manager
Refuelling policy
We bring your attention to the updated information on our website for refuelling vessels, both trailer park boats and berthed vessels (https://www.manamarina.co.nz/marina-rules).
In the interest of safety and regulatory requirements, all berthed vessels are to use the fuel wharf for refuelling. The fuel wharf is a safe distance from other vessels and is equipped with the required spill kit and fire extinguisher should there be an accident.
· Please familiarise yourself with the safety procedures posted on the kiosk.
· Petrol can be transported in approved containers to the fuel wharf.
· Refuelling must not be carried out in the berth.
· All trailer boats are to refuel at a service station.
· Filling a fuel tank of any sort in the Marina grounds is prohibited.
Shore power
For your convenience, the Marina provides shore power to almost every berth. If you wish to use shore power while your vessel is unattended (or are living aboard), to protect both yourself and your vessel, it is mandatory that the vessel holds a valid electrical warrant of fitness (Ewof).
A valid Ewof is one that has been completed by an authorised Electrical Inspector and meets the AS/NZS 3004.2:2014 standard.
Please Understand: If your vessel is plugged in to shore power whilst the vessel is unattended without a valid Ewof, it will be unplugged.
Thank you to all of you who have responded to our emails requesting updated insurance certificates.
As most of you are aware, on our website under Conditions of Use, it is stated
“To stay in Mana Marina, vessels occupying a berth must hold public liability insurance cover of $5 million minimum and provide proof of currency to the Marina Office annually”.
The office only knows when a vessel is insured when either you pass on your new cover details or the insurance company or broker updates us with the new policy.
In Memory
Sadly, the Marina Community has lost friends and family this year, and we think of their families at this time. We remember:
John Wordsworth
Please dispose of your fish frames responsibly
Just a reminder of the Marina rules concerning waste and disposal of fish frames. The rules on the web site are:
No effluent, rubbish or other pollutant may be thrown, disposed of, or permitted to escape in any part of the Marina, other than by placing it in the waste receptacles provided.
Fish may be processed on board vessels in a Marina berth (provided that statutory regulations are observed), but no fish waste is to be discarded into the Marina water. Fish frames must be disposed of responsibly and are to be well wrapped if placed in Marina skips. Skip bins are for Marina waste only, and fines may be issued to illegal dumpers. Recycling is encouraged
Reduce your speed and wake
Take a look at this neat Youtube clip created by the Northland Regional Council, reminding us to all reduce our speed to reduce our wake
From the Board; George, Rolfe, Bruce and Eleanor
and the Marina Team; Neil, Glynne, Sandie and Andrew