Officially Summer has arrived so if we all put our minds towards less strong northerlies around our patch, we may be able to enjoy some pleasant boating over the break!
Through the spring and leading up to the busy season, there has been a lot of activity around the Marina, and we have more consolidation planned for 2025.
Right now, it’s great to see vessels being prepared for trips away, more berth enquiries for sale and rent as confidence improves.
Whatever the weather, I’m sure you will have a great break and time to catch some quality time with friends and family. So, from Sandie, Andrew and myself, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a cracker 2025.
— Glynne, Marina Manager
Closed for Christmas
The Marina Office will be closed from:
1.00pm Tuesday 24 December 2024 to 8.30 am Monday 6 January 2025.
For emergencies only call the Manager on
027 332 0306
Non-urgent enquiries email or leave a message at
04 2330091.
AGM 2024
The AGM for Licence-holders was held on the 20 November 2024. The Board reviewed the year’s activities and presented the financial statements and plans.
There was a change to the Mana Marina Board, with Bruce Judge’s tenure concluding and Paul Curd elected as a new Director. Chairman George Saunders thanked Bruce for his contribution to the Marina
The meeting concluded with appreciative applause for Board and Management.
In Memory
Sadly, the Marina Community has lost friends and family this year, and we think of their families at this time. We remember:
John Wordsworth
Peter Nicol
Coastguard’s Old4New lifejackets upgrade campaign
The NZ Coastguard offers a discount if you exchange your old lifejacket for a new one. They will be at:
Mana Cruising Club
08:00 – 12:00
Sunday 12 January 2025
For more info visit and a full list of locations & pricing visit
The latest edition of the Boaties magazine is available at the office, please help yourself.
Health & Safety
We have installed man overboard alert devices and ladders on each pier.
We have installed 2 ‘man overboard’ alert devices on each pier. These are a combined siren and light with an illuminated press button switch (1 press on, 1 press off). These are for raising alarm for assistance which could include a safety issue or health problem. A portable ladder and additional life buoy in the centre of each pier are to follow and will be installed once the frames arrive.
We advise Marina users to be security conscious over the holiday period.
You can help yourself by:
· Photographing equipment and recording details such as the serial numbers.
· Checking your vessel regularly.
· Reporting thefts/incidents to Police and the Marina Office.
· Secure your valuable outboards, keep tenders on board and locked away!!
Wastewater pump station
The installation of the wastewater pump station for black and grey water is complete. It will be available for sucking out your waste tanks, it is located on the fuel wharf. The current mobile unit will still be available.
Marina Shore Power
As you will all be aware, electricity pricing has recently skyrocketed across the country. Unfortunately, the Marina is not immune from these dramatic increases. The increases have coincided with an end to our existing supply contract so we have been forced to review our supplier, the consumption levels, and our electricity charging model. The result is that pedestal meters are to be installed in the new year for all vessels that use shore power. We will update you in the new year.
Biosecurity - Top of the South
Top of the South Group have asked us to share the following notice with you:
New marine biosecurity rules for the Tasman-Nelson Region
New changes to the Tasman-Nelson Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP) are now in effect and will impact boat owners and operators entering the region. These amendments aim to reduce the risk of invasion by Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii) and other marine pests to protect our marine environment. The new rules also bring Tasman-Nelson in line with the Marlborough District Council RPMP, so there is consistency in managing marine pests throughout the Top of the South.
Upcoming summer hull surveillance
This summer, our divers will be out inspecting vessel hulls across Tasman, Nelson and Marlborough. Hotspots including Abel Tasman National Park, all of the Nelson area, and Marlborough Sounds.
Why does my vessel need to be surveyed?
Marine pests hitchhike on dirty hulls. There are rules in place to protect our coastlines from unwanted marine pests. These surveys ensure there are no marine pests on your vessel's hull.
What can you expect?
When out and about, our diving team may undertake a 5-minute snorkel survey to inspect the hull of your vessel for any marine pests and hull biofouling. You will also be asked some basic information about your vessel. If your vessel is deemed to have a biosecurity risk, MPI and/or the relevant council will be contacted and will arrange a follow-up.
What can you do to prepare?
Ensure your boat is pest-free.
It’s good seamanship to prevent fouling build-up beyond a light slime layer. Make sure you clean dirty hulls and niche areas, bilge water and all equipment. Capacity at haul-out facilities may be challenging, particularly at peak times (summer). We encourage boat owners to book their maintenance in as early as possible.
Biosecurity New Zealand - MPI
GOfuel Christmas Fuel Draw
Friendly Reminders
Once again please refrain from flushing anything other than toilet paper and ablutions down the toilet. We are being called out after hours more frequently to clear the sewer pump for items that shouldn’t be in there! Please use the sanitary bins provided and any other matter to be put in the rubbish bins provided in the bathrooms.
Dog owners - Scoop the poop
When out walking your dog for nature to call, make sure to use the doggie doo doo bags from the dispenser in front of C pier.
Dogs on leashes - despite constant reminders, there are still dog owners who are not controlling their dogs and not using leashes in the Marina grounds. The Marina is part of Ngāti toa Domain and consequently is governed by local Council bylaws. All dogs must be registered with Porirua City Council. If a dog is found to be causing issues with the public in, or around the Marina, the Council Animal Control Officer will be notified.
Reduce your speed and wake
Take a look at this neat YouTube clip created by the Northland Regional Council, reminding us to all reduce our speed to reduce our wake Reduce your wake
Please dispose of your fish frames responsibly
Just a reminder of the Marina rules concerning waste and disposal of fish frames. The rules on the web site are:
No effluent, rubbish or other pollutant may be thrown, disposed of, or permitted to escape in any part of the Marina, other than by placing it in the waste receptacles provided.
Fish may be processed on board vessels in a Marina berth (provided that statutory regulations are observed), but no fish waste is to be discarded into the Marina water. Fish frames must be disposed of responsibly and are to be well wrapped if placed in Marina skips. Skip bins are for Marina waste only, and fines may be issued to illegal dumpers. Recycling is encouraged.
Please don’t dump gas bottles, tyres, refrigerators, couches, office furniture, or household rubbish!
Please also use the recycling bins as labelled and don’t put rubbish in them. Again, the Marina pays a premium to have recycling bins and the effort and cost is wasted if they are contaminated.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Season’s Greetings to all. Relax and be safe this summer. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and safe boating this holiday season.
From the Board; George, Rolfe, Paul and Ray
and the Marina Team; Glynne, Sandie, Andrew and Steven