Summer is here! Vessels are heading away, and the office is getting those last-minute inquiries for casual berthage over the holidays. I really must do the Christmas shopping!
I’m doing something new this Christmas/New Year - leaving the Marina in capable hands while I spend time with family and friends. It’s great to be part of a team that works well together and keeps Mana Marina running well.
I wish you all an enjoyable break with loved ones.
— Neil, Marina Manager
Santa seen on E pier!!
Looking for the North Pole or checking the landing site?
Somehow so soon, we are again counting down to when the overweight man sporting an itchy white beard and a familiar red suit tries to find our boat’s chimney!
And for many of us, it means time with family and some boating activity as the temperature slowly starts to feel more like summer.
Whether it’s down to El Niño or spring conditions, strong winds have kept our treasured vessels in their berths for much of the time with few good cruising days lately so let’s hope that changes.
I have been in the 1st Mate position now for 5 months alongside Neil and the crew, getting to know the many faceted components of the working Marina. I was warned by the directors of the multiple functions and their associated systems that combine to run the Marina but I was very surprised to discover how right they were and how much I didn’t know!
I want to take this opportunity to thank the licence holders, Marina liveaboard community, and regular users of the Marina whom I’ve met, for welcoming me to the Marina. I will endeavour to assist in the effective operation of the Marina to the high level that it has been operated under during Neil’s management.
Wishing you all a fun and safe maritime Christmas and New Year!
— Glynne Cook Assistant Manager
The Marina Office will be closed from:
4.30pm Friday 22 December 2023 to 8.30 am Wednesday 3 January 2024.
For emergencies only call the Manager on 027 233 0111
Non-urgent enquiries email , or leave a message at 04 2330091.
AGM 2023
The AGM for Licence-holders was held on the 22 November 2023. The Board reviewed the year’s activities and presented the financial statements and plans.
The was a change to the Mana Marina Board, with Clive Glover standing down as Director and being replaced by Rolfe Everson, who was elected at the meeting. Chairman George Saunders thanked Clive for his contribution to the revitalisation of the Marina over the past six years of his term as Director.
The meeting concluded with appreciative applause for Board and Management for the way the Marina is operated and the sound financial position.
In Memory
Sadly, the Marina Community has lost friends and family this year, and we think of their families at this time. We remember:
Paul Bradey
Donald Poy
Bob Sinclair
Coastguard’s Old4New lifejackets upgrade campaign
The NZ Coastguard offers a discount if you exchange your old lifejacket for a new one. They will be at:
Mana Cruising Club
14:00 – 17:00
Friday 5 January 2024.
For more info visit and a full list of locations & pricing visit
The latest edition of the Boaties magazine is available at the office, please help yourself.
Security Upgrade
As part of our ongoing maintenance for security in the Marina grounds, we have recently installed two new cameras to expand the view of the carpark.
We advise Marina users to be security conscious over the holiday period.
You can help yourself by:
· Photographing equipment and recording details such as the serial numbers.
· Checking your vessel regularly.
· Reporting thefts/incidents to Police and the Marina Office.
· Secure your valuable outboards, keep tenders on board and locked away!!
New wastewater pump station
The installation of the wastewater pump station is almost complete. It will be available for sucking out your waste tanks as you visit the fuel wharf. The current mobile unit will still be available. We hope to have the new pump operational early in the New Year.
Biosecurity - Top of the South
Top of the South Group have asked us to share the following notice with you:
Harmful Marine Organisms – what Mana boaties can do
Now that’s foul!
Neglecting regular haulouts leads to this!
The best way to keep Mana hosting few harmful marine organisms is to keep your hull clean and check gear before returning from other locations.
At present Mana has fewer harmful species than are found in the top of the South Island. This could easily change. One vessel coming into the marina with a pest species could change the status of the marina forever. The only pest species known to be present in the marina are wakame and clubbed tunicate. Wakame (Undaria) is the seaweed found on your sushi. The clubbed tunicate (Styela clava) is a solitary sea squirt with a small stalk. Both were accidently introduced from Japan 20 to 30 years ago. It is illegal to move these species around attached to your hull.
In the wider Cook Strait region other pests include the Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella). Vessels with compromised antifouling visiting other areas risk bringing these back to Mana. The recent find of aquarium weed, Caulerpa, at Great Barrier and Red Mercury Islands means that extra care will be required in ensuring ground tackle is cleaned before moving between locations.
If you do go the Sounds expect your vessel to be checked by the marine biosecurity team there. In the 2022/23 survey of the Marlborough Sounds and Able Tasman National Park areas TOS checked 502 vessels (mainly recreational), 606 structures and 90 seabed locations. Of the vessels surveyed, 316 (63%) were classified as ‘active’ in the region (e.g. the boat was at anchor), of which 100 (34%) were visiting from outside the TOS.
Information on all of these species and the current rules on hull fouling for the Top of the South can be found at
GOfuel Christmas Fuel Draw
Use your GoFuel Card and Win $250
Mana Marina diesel prices are low and with a Gofuel card you get an additional 10 cents per litre off the pump price.
Friendly Reminders
Dog owners - Scoop the poop
When out walking your dog for nature to call, make sure to use the doggie doo doo bags from the dispenser in front of C pier.
Dogs on leashes - despite constant reminders, there are still dog owners who are not controlling their dogs and not using leashes in the Marina grounds. The Marina is part of Ngāti toa Domain and consequently is governed by local Council bylaws. All dogs must be registered with Porirua City Council. If a dog is found to be causing issues with the public in, or around the Marina, the Council Animal Control Officer will be notified.
Reduce your speed and wake
Take a look at this neat youtube clip created by the Northland Regional Council, reminding us to all reduce our speed to reduce our wake Reduce your wake
Please dispose of your fish frames responsibly
Just a reminder of the Marina rules concerning waste and disposal of fish frames. The rules on the web site are:
No effluent, rubbish or other pollutant may be thrown, disposed of, or permitted to escape in any part of the Marina, other than by placing it in the waste receptacles provided.
Fish may be processed on board vessels in a Marina berth (provided that statutory regulations are observed), but no fish waste is to be discarded into the Marina water. Fish frames must be disposed of responsibly and are to be well wrapped if placed in Marina skips. Skip bins are for Marina waste only, and fines may be issued to illegal dumpers. Recycling is encouraged.
Please do not overload the skip bins as happened Christmas 2022!!
Please don’t dump gas bottles, tyres, refrigerators, couches, office furniture, or household rubbish!
Please also use the recycling bins as labelled and don’t put rubbish in them. Again, the Marina pays a premium to have recycling bins at the Marina and the effort and cost is wasted if they are contaminated.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Season’s Greetings to all. Relax and be safe this summer. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and safe boating this holiday season.
From the Board; George, Rolfe, Bruce and Eleanor
and the Marina Team; Neil, Glynne, Sandie and Andrew
Crash Landing?
Enjoy your Christmas and New Year.
Safe boating.