Mooring your vessel
This policy is based on ensuring vessels are secured and safely moored to meet the weather conditions experienced at Mana Marina. We’ve put together a clear guide below so you can see how mooring is done right.
Rope type:
Mooring lines including lines tied between pier and outer pole should be non-floating preferably polyester.
Under no circumstances is polypropylene or polythene permitted.
Nylon rope is permitted, but owners should be aware of the inherent stretch of nylon rope.
Rope size:
Boat length Minimum rope diameter 10m 14-16mm 12m 16-18mm 14m 18-20mm 18m 20-22mm
20m+ 22-24 mm
Attaching lines to Marina fittings:
Lines should be attached to the Marina using a spliced eye and cow hitch.
No metal-to-metal fittings as these destroy the galvanized components in the Marina. Shackles and metal eyes will be removed.
Do not attach lines directly to the Marina poles.
Mooring lines:
Vessels must be secured to remain within the berth confines in all weather conditions:
No vessel should extend over the pier or extend past the rear pole of the berth.
Vessels should not contact the Marina structure or adjacent vessel.
Use spring lines as shown in the examples below. Mana is a high wind area and bow and stern lines on their own are often insufficient.
No ropes are to be thrown across the main piers but can be left along the edge of the walkway. The use of “pickup” or “high lines” is highly encouraged. These must be secured on the posts above the High Water Spring level.
Do not shorten by tying knots. This reduces the strength of the line.
Marina photos of correctly used Mooring lines
Stern lines + Spring lines
Stern + Bow lines with additional Pickup line
Bow line + Spring lines
Double Stern lines Crossed
Stern lines + Spring lines
Stern + Bow lines on outer pole