There have been more vessel movements in and out of berths lately, with boats changing ownership and moving away and new ones arriving. Berth occupancy is high with only a few 12m berths currently vacant and seeking rental tenants. We have also been kept busy keeping the Marina operating smoothly and making progress with some long-term projects.
The good news is that we have finally gained resource consent to clear sand from the Marina entrance and berths. The through-rods greasing, and capping of all fingers is complete, and we will be moving onto the protection and care of the main pier through-rods. We get many positive comments that the Marina and grounds look great!
— Neil, Marina Manager
Prices and Fees for next year
Each year the Board reviews accounts and approves a budget for the coming year. To meet increased operating costs, the Board has approved modest increases in Licence holder levies, Live-aboard fees and power charges. All berth rental prices, boat trailer park rentals, commercial user fees have been held at last year’s rates. Licence holders and Live-aboard renters have been contacted separately concerning these adjustments.
We put a lot of effort into maintaining our lovely environment. Our small team work continuously to keep the Marina looking great by emptying rubbish bins, pruning trees, weeding gardens, and cutting lawns.
We have also provided the Poopod to dispense bags free of charge for dog owners. There is now no excuse to allow your dog to foul our Marina.
Rubbish and skips
Just a reminder that the skips are for Marina waste only. Please don’t put tyres, gas cannisters, or your household rubbish into the skips.
Take care
Winter conditions
It was a mild winter until June! The recent gales and heavy rain reinforce the need for vessel owners to check hatches are secure, bilge pumps are working, and all your mooring lines are in good condition. We have been busy checking and securing vessels not adequately moored, dealing with flogging sails, and using our emergency bilge pumps to pump out vessels.
Recent high winds tore this unsecured headsail to shreds
Check your roller reefing lines are secure!
The recent severe NW gales had us out trying to wrestle and control headsails not secured properly. It can be very dangerous on the foredeck trying to retrieve jammed gear. These ribbons were a genoa a week ago!
Look at what floats in
Andrew has been busy clearing debris from the Marina after the storms. These logs were at the fuel wharf!
Tide Talk
The storm surges this week perfectly illustrate how the much the tide levels can vary from that predicted in the tide tables. On the 13/6/2022, the predicted high tide was 1.6m at 08:53.
However, the recorded high tide at Mana Marina on Monday 13 June was at 09:42 and was 2.439m. That is more than 800mm above the predicted height! This is an extreme example, but it does reinforce the need to check the actual tide levels on the Mana gauge, or indicators on Marina poles, to ensure there is sufficient water depth for navigation.
Marina entrance – Consent granted
Recently, after a lot of background work, we gained Resource Consent to clear the sand from the Marina entrance channel. The first stage of the work is planned for July/August this year, so keep a look out for improved channel depths.
The Marina entrance depth will be cleared to allow a vessel entering the harbour over the bar to have sufficient water to enter the Marina when arriving at the Marina entrance.
‘Turning Buoy’ replaced
Thanks to Hoki for his assistance in laying the channel indicator buoy outside the entrance. We advise all skippers to pass well to the south of this buoy when entering or leaving the Marina.
Warm Fuzzies
Marina visitors often comment on how friendly and helpful fellow marina users and staff are at Mana. Several vessel owners have live-aboard residents to thank for noticing problems and dealing with them quickly during the recent foul weather. This helpful attitude and willingness to pitch in and help is part of our boating community.
‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’ is not a bad adage and is the basis of good etiquette and pleasant boating. Please be considerate of others whether using common facilities such as the Marina bathrooms, fuel wharf, and carpark, or the Mana Cruising Club facilities such as the launch ramp, breastworks, or moorings.
Renting a berth
Whether you are the vessel owner or Licence holder, we recommend that you have a formal agreement in place specifying the terms and conditions of the rental. We have a standard rental agreement that is easy to complete, makes everyone’s obligations clear and helps ensure all vessels entering Mana have clean hulls and third-party liability insurance – part of our entry requirements.
Contact the office for a standard agreement form.
Take care.
Marina Team Neil, Andrew, Jay-Lee