Sunset at Mana Marina
We are constantly reminded that New Zealand’s Marine environment is beautiful, unique and dramatic. Mana Marina is here for you to enjoy our special place from a safe and friendly haven. I am proud to be part of a hard-working Team striving to make every part of our Marina better for you.
-Neil, Marina Manager
AGM Review
The Mana Marina (Paremata) Incorporated AGM (for 2018-2019) was held in October. George Saunders (Chairman) listed main highlights to Licenceholders:
o Good financial performance from strong rental revenues and good control of expenditure.
o Markedly improved accounts administration and communication with clients.
o A “Marina Condition” survey was completed that set long-term maintenance priorities.
o Excellent progress has been made to improve Marina facilities and appearance.
o Clean Marina Certification is being sought.
Licenceholders took the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to the Board. The meeting complimented the Board and Management Team for the noticeable improvements made during the year.
What’s New
We’re a friendly modern Marina, so it makes sense to reflect that in how we do things here. We’ve freshened things up a bit and we hope you enjoy being part of such a great spot.
Our revamp of the Marina signage is underway, with old signs being replaced with new welcoming and clear information. Spot the new signs on entry to the Marina from the road, and from the sea. We’ve been fortunate enough to have the new look and feel Mana Marina branding and new signage designed in-house by Tara.
A lick of paint
What a difference repainting the road entry and carpark markings have made! There’s also a new Give Way marking added to the exit of the Marina drive/road and vehicles are now taking care to look for traffic at this busy intersection.
Green Thumbs
Our greenery and gardens at Mana really make it a lovely environment to be in, but these would be wild without the regular planting and taming by a very small team, who do so wind, hail or shine! Thank you to Annette Wakefield and Penny Gorman, who work behind the scenes on these. And to Graeme Kelly for his regular lawnmowing!
What’s On?
Fancy cheaper diesel for your holiday boating?
A heads up that GOFuel will be offering a discounted diesel pump price at our fuel wharf next week — we’ll email you with their discount offer when we receive this. Plus, GOFuel card holders get an additional discount off the pump price.
A reminder that GOfuel offer Mobile, BP and Z cards for discounted fuel at Mana Marina that can be used at service stations and other NZ Marinas. Click on the button below to apply for a GOFuel card.
Free prize draw by Altex — Turn up and drop your name in the paint can to be in the draw to win anti-fouling paint.
Clean Hull Workshop
Top of the South are running a Clean Hull workshop in the Yard at Mana Cruising Club this Saturday morning 14th Dec from 9am to noon, there’s drop-in sessions with lots to learn from Top of the South Biosecurity, with demonstrations on a fouled hull, and Altex Coatings will be there sharing how to get the most out of your anti-foul paint.
Come along and learn something new and ask any questions you’ve got about clean hull rules — plus enter the free prize draw for anti-fouling paint!
Can’t beat Welly on a good day!
Heading around to a Wellington Marina?
A heads up that Wellington Marina’s (Chaffers, Seaview, Evans Bay) and Mana Marina all have the same requirements for entry and will ask for proof of:
Third-party liability insurance of $5 million (minimum)
Clean hull i.e antifouled your hull within the last six months, or lifted and washed your boat within one month
Current EWOF if plugging into Marina power supply
Blue Cod aka A Tasty Dinner
What can I catch, what size and how many?
If you’re new to the area, check out the recreational fishing rules before you head out to make your catch. Even if you’re an old hat it’s good to refresh your memory so you don’t get caught out. Blue Cod is on the menu again, after the restriction ends 19 December 2019.
What’s the best size hook?
Selecting the right size hook for the fish you’re after is crucial to making the catch – too big or too small, and you’ll be pulling out the sausages to fry up. Check out the latest Boating NZ article here for helpful info on the best size hooks and lures.
Offshore Adventures
We’ve a number of international and NZ cruisers that stay at Mana Marina — one of these SV Shawnigan have been here nearly a year as Live-aboards, and we’ve thrown a few questions at them to find out a little more…
Tell us about your vessel ‘Shawnigan’…We’ve got a Stevens 40, Sparkman and Stephens design, builder is Bill Stevens. Built the Queenslong boat yard, Taiwan 1982. 10 of the 40’s were made based in the Stevens 47 specks. Most common are the Stevens 47 (Sailing Totem) Many people are familiar with the Hylas, who ended up buying the design and built in the same yard.
And who’s onboard SV Shawnigan? Five of us aboard Shawnigan. Christian, Josie and kids Nina (17), Ellamae (12), and Taj (6).
Nina, Taj & Ellamae
How long have you guys been cruising? We’ve been cruising since August 2015, but lived in this boat since 2012 and a 35’ one before that.
Where’ve you been so far? We departed from San Francisco Aug 2015, spent 2 years in Mexico, then down to Costa Rica for Jan 2018, Panama for Feb/March 2018, crossed over to the Galápagos for 3 weeks there, then crossed the Pacific (21 day journey) to French Polynesia.We spent 3 months in French Polynesia (Marquesas, Tuomotus, Societies).We stopped over at one Cook Island, Suwarrow, then over to Tonga. We spent 6 weeks in Tonga before crossing down to Opua (Late October 2018). We made way to Mana Marina down the east coast for a Jan 1st, 2019 arrival.
Best place you’ve visited? And why? That’s a hard one...I’d say Isla Isabela off of Mexico...It’s Mexico’s Galápagos (without the turtles and marine iguanas) with boobies, frigates, huge iguanas, lots of sea life.
Biggest challenge of cruising? Leaving...then Planning not to not to have deadlines for arriving somewhere to meet someone and keeping routes, places, and future open to suggestions ( a number of factors play into this, but weather is the most important).
Rewards? Being close as a family...quality time together. Seeing the world from a different that you just don’t get flying into places on holiday.
And what’s it like living in Mana Marina? Windy, but comfortable. A bit challenging to plan sailing out and berthing is also a challenge.
Future plans? Not quite sure...possibly a few 6 month voyages up to Fiji area while we establish residency, then onward and westward...ultimately circumnavigate.
All the best! Where can we follow along with your adventures? Just click the links below, thanks Josie!
Take care
Woah, Nelly!
Summer is a busy period, with an increased number of kayakers, kite surfers, junior sailors and boats in waters near the marina. Please remember that your speed of craft must not exceed 5 knots when:
Within 50 meters of another vessel, raft or person in the water
Within 200 meters of shore or structure, on the inside shore of any rows of buoys
marking that distance from shoreWithin 200 meters of any vessel or raft flying Flag A (Diving Flag)
A reminder that there is a no-wake zone and a speed restriction within the Marina of only 3 knots.
Please store hoses and other items onboard and keep the piers clear.
Tag – you’re it
A reminder to double-check your power lead and tag expiry date. If it’s expired (or has signs of damage), get it re-tested (or replaced) and tagged. This lead is the most exposed connection of power to your vessel, and vulnerable to damage — it’s very important that it’s safe to use. Testing these is fast and inexpensive, and should be checked and tagged annually to ensure your safety. Ask us at the Office where you can get this done.
Not the planned trip
If you’ve got a water hose that’s currently sitting on the pier – please remove this and store it onboard or elsewhere (yes even if it’s neatly coiled by the pedestal). The only trip we want people to take is out on their boats on a beautiful day! Please keep the fingers and piers clear of extra objects, thank you.
Please double-check your lead and its expiry date.
Berth Owners – Renting your berth out?
Please get in touch with the Office for a rental agreement that you can use to sign up a new berth tenant. Alternatively – you can download this through the Licenceholder log in area. This agreement is easy to complete, keeps everyone’s obligations clear and helps ensure all vessels entering Mana have clean hulls and third-party liability insurance – part of our entry requirements to Mana Marina.
Recycling made easy at Mana.
Recycle your glass, don’t be an arse
We’ve had complaints that beer boxes full of empties are being put in the rubbish skip bins, and there’s no excuse for this! There are glass recycling bins right next to the skips, so please use the recycling facility provided.
Christmas // New Year MARINA Office hours
From Monday 24 December 2018 to Monday 07 January 2019, the Marina Office open from 0900-1200 weekdays, but will be closed for the statutory holidays.
If you have an urgent matter during this time, please contact the Manager on 027 2330111, alternatively non-urgent matters can be emailed to and these will be actioned as soon as possible.
In Memory
Sadly, the Marina Community has lost friends and family this year, and we think of their families at this time. We remember:
Laura Cechrzycki
Doug Bradey
Peter Barnes
Barry Sherman
Lindsay King
Enjoy the Festive Season
We wish everyone safe boating and happy holidays and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
Board of Directors - George Saunders, Bruce Judge, Clive Glover, Menno Oortgiesen
Management Team - Neil Cornwell, Tara Cooney, Andrew Kiddle