Coastguard Old4New Lifejacket offer is back!
Spread the word — Coastguard’s Old 4 New lifejacket offer is back!
Bring along your old lifejackets and swap ‘em for a great deal on a brand new one!
Coastguard will be here at Mana on:
Sunday 5th Jan 2020
Mana Cruising Club
For more info and to check out the new lifejacket deals, click the button below.
Fill up your tanks with GOFuel’s Christmas Diesel OFFER
Thanks to GOFuel, if you use our diesel fuel wharf between Friday 20th and Monday 30th December 2019, you’ll get a special pump price of $1.32 incl GST.
$1.32 inc gst from 20th to 30th December 2019!
Plus, GOFuel card holders get an additional discount off the pump price, so grab a GOFuel card and enjoy further “Discount” off the pump price.
— Wishing you all a very happy Christmas, from the team at Mana Marina.