The Southerly ripping through the Marina last week signaled change of seasons with a vengeance! We had to deal with a few mooring line issues and a couple of wayward headsails, but there were no major incidents, so thanks to all for securing your vessels.
The word appears to be out that Mana Marina is the place to be. Recently we’ve had vessels from Canada, Estonia, Australia, and USA and received some excellent feedback on the excellent facilities, helpful staff, and friendly locals. Currently, we have very high occupancy, with only 12m berths available for long-term rent and a wait list for the boat trailer park and live-aboard places.
Fuel operator, GOfuel have a promotional draw during April for GOfuel Mobil card holders and will also run a price special over Easter. Check out the deals below!
I am looking forward to a break with family and a chance to unwind and wish you all a happy Easter and safe boating if venturing away.
— Neil, Marina Manager
Mana Marina & GOfuel
Mana Marina Directors recently met with the principals of GOfuel to discuss the issues caused by the miscommunication of the duration of the Christmas special of $2.10 per litre. Our Christmas newsletter inadvertently linked the end date of the fuel price special with the end date of the GOfuel voucher draw.
We apologise for this unintentional error. GOfuel point out that fuel prices were especially volatile over Christmas and were adjusted frequently.
Rob Paulin, Southern Cross was the winner of the $300.00 GOfuel credit drawn in February. Congratulations Rob!
GOfuel Easter Fuel Specials and Fuel Vouchers to be drawn.
Price Special Today
$2.037 per litre
Effective till Thursday 6 April 2023 when the Easter price will be posted. GOfuel guarantees a great price! Check the pump price for the Easter special.
Make sure you use your GOfuel Mobil fuel card to receive a further discount of this great pump price!!
Did you know you always get a further discount off the pump price every time you use your fuel card, plus you pay the following month.
If you haven’t got a GOfuel fuel card, get one now at or call 0800 42 83 83.
Thieves in the Marina
Sadly, last weekend we had thefts from vehicles broken into in the carpark. I urge marina users to secure property and be vigilant over the Easter break as these thieves are brazen and will take any opportunity given.
Let us know if you recognise this man in the Marina in the early hours of 1 April 2023
Marina Carpark
There are some very simple rules when using the carpark:
Please park within the painted lines and do not protrude beyond the park to obstruct the roadways or boat trailer park access.
Boat trailers are to be parked in the designated boat trailer parks not the carparks.
NO Trailers, caravans, campervans, and trucks in the carpark.
Please do not use your access card to allow others to enter the carpark (access cards misused in this way will be cancelled)EV Charging – Please don’t plug an EV into the marina sockets.
Recycling Reminder
Please use the recycling bins as labelled and don’t put rubbish in them. Again, the Marina pays a premium to have recycling bins at the Marina and the effort and cost is wasted if they are contaminated.
Easter Greetings
From the Board; George, Clive, Bruce, Eleanor
and the Marina Team; Neil, Sandie, and Andrew.