Kia ora and a warm welcome to vessel owners and boats new to Mana, it’s great to have you here. Come and introduce yourself to us at the Office – we’re here to help and point you in the right direction.
Spring has arrived with longer lighter days, but messy complex weather systems are here too and are not ideal for cruising. Fingers crossed these will pass and that a long settled summer will follow.
What’s new?
Oooh fancy!
Have you noticed our logo tweak and fresh new website? It’s part of our branding and communication strategy for Mana Marina to position itself as a vibrant, modern and progressive marina. Check out the website – it’s full of helpful information and it’s user-friendly. There’ll be new additions to it over the coming months. Plus, we’ve got new Marina signage in the pipeline.
Who’s new?
Welcome Andrew Kiddle (from S/V Warrior) who is responsible for the Marina’s Compliance and Maintenance. Andrew has a wealth of engineering, business and sailing experience. We can already see the impact of having Andrew onboard - noticeably the clean piers!
NZ Marina Operators Association Conference
Last week Neil attended the 2019 NZMOA Annual Marina and Boatyard Conference.
His observations:
There is large investment in marine industry infrastructure in the north:
- Northland through the Provincial Growth Fund (Regional Development Minister Shane Jones)
- Auckland for the America’s Cup Defence.
Mana Marina costs of marina use compare very well (especially with Auckland!)
Environmental policy is an essential part of a successful Marina. Marinas are taking action to address the impact of marina operations on the environment with serious investment in water treatment, recycling, biosecurity. We should seek “Clean Marina” certification for Mana.
Rock on
Work on the northern breakwater is now completed! You may have noticed the digger busy placing rock where the breakwater had slumped. Thanks to Ray Reid (Reid Transport Ltd) and Carl Gibson’s teams for a great job done.
How do I plug in?
We’ve had several instances of people have plugging into the pedestals incorrectly, wrecking the plug, and costing a lot to fix. Please click here to double-check you’re plugging in correctly. If it doesn’t seem to be plugging in right first time, DON’T force it! If you’re unsure, just ask at the Office and we’ll make sure you’re good to go.
Remember, your vessel needs an EWOF (Electrical Warrant of Fitness), to safely connect to shore power. Make sure your EWOF is current, as unwarranted vessels will be unplugged from the power supply.
dentist, prostate, haul out…
Not everyone’s favourite checkups but vessels at Mana need to be regularly cleaned, antifouled, and new anodes fitted (it’s part of our Conditions of Use). We’re following up with owners whose boats are well overdue for a haul out. With the travel lift back in action soon, make sure you book in with Mana Cruising Club.
The rules regarding hull cleanliness have been tightened throughout New Zealand to prevent or restrict the spread of unwanted organisms. Most marinas will now require documented proof that the vessel hull has been cleaned or antifouled as part of check in.
We all need to do our bit to protect our unique and beautiful back yard. Make sure you know the requirements when heading away from Mana. Check out the links below:
Fiordland - Clean vessel pass required:
Marlborough Sounds:
Visiting a Marina in Marlborough
Cruising the Sounds only (not visiting a Marina)
Stinky Poo!
Our Marina is dog-friendly, but please pick up after your pooch and keep our grounds clean.
Was that a stoat?!
We’ve had reports of a stoat in the Marina, so we’ve teamed up with Pest Free Porirua – a community movement – tied in with the national Predator Free 2050 drive – to make Porirua free of pests like rats and stoats by setting traps for them. The traps are child and pet-friendly and we’ve got three set throughout the Marina. If you’re interested in setting up a trap in your own backyard too, get in touch with or find them on Facebook.
Water Pump
Did you know that there’s a high-volume pump for emergency use located at the Office? Hopefully, it’s never required, but call Neil on 027 23390111 if there’s an emergency.
Our defib located under the Marina Office
Where’s the closest defibrillator (or AED)?
It’s smart to know where your closest defibrillator is before an emergency happens. You never know when you’ll be the one tasked to grab it.
Here at Mana Marina, there’s one below the Marina Office – just open the door, grab it, and follow the verbal instructions of the AED (yes it’ll speak to you).
There’s also one at Mana Cruising Club – this one requires you to phone 111 for the code to access the defibrillator.
And, why not download the AED locator app – wherever you are it’ll tell you the closest one to you. Go to the app store and search for ‘AED Locations’.
Can you hear that whistle?
Falling into the water is one of the biggest risks we face at Mana Marina. If you fall in, you’ll very likely need help to get out. Getting help means getting attention!
One of the simplest and most effective ways to attract attention, is the humble whistle (that’s why they’re on lifejackets!). So, we’ve tracked down the best whistle on the market. The tri-power safety whistle works when wet, makes a heck of a lot of noise (120dB), and is easy to keep with you. We’ve issued one to every live-aboard person with their 2019/2020 Live-Aboard Permit.
They’re also for sale to marina users at the Office for $10 each.
Safety whistles for sale
Please talk to someone
The subject of suicide is emotive and it’s difficult to know exactly how to write about it, for fear of saying the wrong thing, causing offense or upset. However, suicide rates in NZ have increased, and many of our Marina community have been deeply affected by the recent loss of one of our residents. Experiencing anxiety, depression and difficulty coping with life is not a weakness and asking for help is most definitely ok! Please talk about your mental health and reach out to family and friends or call Lifeline who are available 24 hours a day – 0800 543 354. Let’s support each other.
Selling your berth?
All berth sales must follow a set process. If you are selling or buying a berth, check with the Office to ensure the appropriate forms are completed before proceeding. A berth sale transfer form must be completed. The total sales funds must be deposited in the Mana Marina Trust account.
Gosh that’s an old number
If Tara had a dollar for every time she heard that, she’d have upgraded her yacht and disappeared to the islands. So, if you’ve changed phone numbers, email or postal address – let the Office know and we’ll update our records.
2018/2019 AGM
Licenceholders lock the AGM into your calendar for 17th October 2019. Formal invitations will be sent via post soon.
That’s it from us for now!
Neil, Tara & Andrew.